Convert AUD to SEK
How to Convert Australian Dollars (AUD) to Swedish Krona (SEK)
![Number One Icon](
Enter the amount in Australian Dollar (AUD) you want to convert and it will show you the converted SEK amount
![Number Two Icon](
If you want to convert Swedish Krona back into Australian dollars, enter an amount in SEK instead
![Number 3 Icon](
Click "Chart" to see the equivalent amount in Krona over time.
AUD to SEK Chart
IMPORTANT NOTE: The rates shown on the graph are historical and do not reflect the current exchange rates offered by S Money. These rates represent the "interbank" or "wholesale" exchange rates, which are typically available on platforms like Google or XE. We display these rates to illustrate past trends and help you identify favourable moments for purchasing Swedish Krona.
Are you looking for the best AUD TO SEK exchange rate?
Our free Australian Dollar to Danish Krone converter allows you to swiftly and accurately calculate the Australian Dollar to Krona. With our currency converter, you gain access to real time exchange rates, ensuring you get the best value for your money.
AUD to SEK Exchange Rates
AUD, short for the Australian Dollar, is the official currency of Australia, as well as several of its external territories and Pacific Island nations. It is symbolised by the "$" sign and is subdivided into 100 cents.
Swedish Krona (SEK)
In Sweden, locals use Swedish Krona, which has the international code SEK and the symbol kr. The Swedish Krona has 3 coin denominations: kr1, kr5, kr10
Swedish banknotes have 6 denominations: kr20, kr50, kr100, kr200, kr500, kr1000.
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Buy or Sell Currency at the Best Rates
Looking to buy or sell Australian Dollar (AUD) or Swedish Krona (SEK) at the best rates in Australia? S Money offers competitive exchange rates for all your currency needs. Whether you're planning a trip to Stockholm or Gothenburg and need to exchange leftover currency from your travels, we've got you covered. For more information, visit our Sydney or Melbourne stores or contact us today.
Why Choose Us?
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Competitive Rates
We offer the best exchange rates in Australia, maximizing your currency's value.
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Our online currency converter is designed for simplicity and ease of use.
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Trusted Service
Rely on S Money's expertise and commitment to providing accurate and timely currency exchange information.
Transfer Money from Australia to Sweden
When it comes to sending money to Sweden, you want a service that is reliable, fast, and cost-effective. S Money has partnered with Wise as your trusted money transfer service. Known for its transparency, low fees, and competitive exchange rates, Wise ensures that your money reaches its destination efficiently and without hidden costs.
For your convenience, we have also provided a few alternatives to Wise, giving you the flexibility to choose the service that best meets your needs. Whether you're sending money for personal reasons, business transactions, or any other purpose, our recommendations will help you navigate the process with ease and confidence.