What is the Best AUD to CAD Exchange Rate?

Canadian dollar banknotes

Today the best AUD to CAD exchange rate is 0.9003. This is the rate that gives you the most money when you are converting Australian dollars (AUD) into  Canadian Dollars (CAD).

If you are looking to buy Canadian dollars, then you want the exchange rate to be as high as possible.

In 2024, the AUD to CAD exchange rate rate was highest on the 24th of September when it hit 0.9278 - making it the best AUD to CAD rate this year so far.

CAD Rate

Where can I find the best exchange rate for Canadian dollars?

The good news is that it can easily be found in lots of places. For example, if you wanted to buy some Canadian dollars to travel overseas you can find the rate on Google by searching "AUD to CAD". Alternatively you can find it on XE or Yahoo. In fact, most currency converters use the same exchange rate.

The bad news is that most money changers hide their fee by adding a margin to the real exchange rate.

No hidden fees

At S Money we match the AUD to CAD currency exchange rate with the rate shown on Google or XE. In real time. This means you never pay over-inflated rates and can be 100% positive you are getting the most competitive rate to buy Canadian dollars in cash.


How to get the best AUD to CAD rate for cash

Order online for store collection or secure home delivery. Alternatively, you can head in to one of our stores.

Our AUD to CAD Exchange rate

Google rate: | Xe rate:
Exchange Rate
Service Fee
Canadian Dollar

Rates & fees are the same in-store and online

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Australian Dollar
5 results found - Results rounded down to nearest available denomination
  • 0.9003
  • 67.26 AUD
  • $2,000 AUD
  • Best Price
  • 0.8619
  • 0.00 AUD
  • $2,007 AUD
  • $18 more expensive
  • 0.8534
  • 0.00 AUD
  • $2,027 AUD
  • $38 more expensive
  • 0.8615
  • 20.00 AUD
  • $2,028 AUD
  • $39 more expensive
  • 0.8483
  • 0.00 AUD
  • $2,039 AUD
  • $50 more expensive

5 of the best ways to exchange AUD to CAD

If you are heading overseas or just want to convert some Australian dollars (AUD) to Canadian dollars (CAD) to keep on hand, it's important to find the best way to exchange your money. Here are 5 top ways currently available in Australia

  1. Online - If you are looking to buy some Canadian dollars in cash, you can now do it online. It's similar to buying anything else online but you will need some ID on hand. Online money changers, like S Money, have the best exchange rates. Most will either deliver it to your home or allow click and collect.
  2. In-store -  this is one of the best ways to get your currency fast. Just locate a store near you and bring your ID. It's a good idea to call ahead to check their rates and to make sure they have enough Canadian dollars in stock.
  3. Overseas - Sometimes it can actually be cheaper to buy your Canadian dollars abroad. In countries like Singapore, they have very competitive money changers if you are willing to go out of your way to find them.
  4. International money transfers - If you are sending money from Australia to Canada, using a money transfer service like Wise or OFX is a great way to convert your currency. These online services are a much cheaper option than using an Australian bank.
  5. Travel money cards - These cards used to have terrible exchange rates and a heaps of hidden fees. While this is still the case with most bank travel cards, there are much better options available. These include Revolut, Wise and the 28 Degrees card.
Updated: Posted on